by Farah Salman
My Status has been raised;
My efforts have been praised;
Not in an ordinary way or at some place small,
But in the greatest book of all.
Being thankful to Allah, my head goes down to bow.
Why? 'ause I am a mother now.
Mother-baby bondage is the strongest for sure;
My rights when compared are three times more;
Though sacrifices are ahead that I have to endure,
Being thankful to Allah, my head goes down to bow.
Why? 'cause I am a mother now.
The baby needs my love and attention most,
Even if I don't have a career to boast.
Staying at home for my child's sake is worth it I vow.
Being thankful to Allah, my head goes down to bow.
Why? 'cause I am a mother now.
Even if my child has few toys to play,
Having his mom as a playmate will make him gay.
With my guidance and care he'll not go astray.
I'm sure proud that I am here at home to stay.
Being thankful to Allah, my head goes down to bow.
Why? 'cause I am a mother now.
Islam balances the roles for both husband and wife;
Both offer their duties and smooth stays the carraige of life.
My husband provides for the money that's true,
And relieves me of the burden to find work to do
So that all my zest and energy are for our child too.
Being thankful to Allah, my head goes down to bow.
Why? 'cause I am a mother now.
Research too states that mother is the best
Than leaving the baby at a day care nest.
Teaching right from wrong is the parents' full time job.
A child's personaltiy is made once, thus impossible to rob.
Being thankful to Allah, my head goes down to bow.
Why? 'cause I am a mother now.
by Farah Salman
My Status has been raised;
My efforts have been praised;
Not in an ordinary way or at some place small,
But in the greatest book of all.
Being thankful to Allah, my head goes down to bow.
Why? 'ause I am a mother now.
Mother-baby bondage is the strongest for sure;
My rights when compared are three times more;
Though sacrifices are ahead that I have to endure,
Being thankful to Allah, my head goes down to bow.
Why? 'cause I am a mother now.
The baby needs my love and attention most,
Even if I don't have a career to boast.
Staying at home for my child's sake is worth it I vow.
Being thankful to Allah, my head goes down to bow.
Why? 'cause I am a mother now.
Even if my child has few toys to play,
Having his mom as a playmate will make him gay.
With my guidance and care he'll not go astray.
I'm sure proud that I am here at home to stay.
Being thankful to Allah, my head goes down to bow.
Why? 'cause I am a mother now.
Islam balances the roles for both husband and wife;
Both offer their duties and smooth stays the carraige of life.
My husband provides for the money that's true,
And relieves me of the burden to find work to do
So that all my zest and energy are for our child too.
Being thankful to Allah, my head goes down to bow.
Why? 'cause I am a mother now.
Research too states that mother is the best
Than leaving the baby at a day care nest.
Teaching right from wrong is the parents' full time job.
A child's personaltiy is made once, thus impossible to rob.
Being thankful to Allah, my head goes down to bow.
Why? 'cause I am a mother now.
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